; About us : E-Gurukul

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

About us

E-gurukul.net – Ancient Knowledge Meets Modern Technology

Gurukul (Sanskrit- Guru means “teacher” or “master”; kul domain, from kula, “extended family”) is a kind of educational institution in Ancient India, residential in nature, with Students living in proximity to the Teacher, often within the same house. In a Gurukul System, Students learn from the teacher techniques and methods to excel not only in Physical level but also to achieve complete Fulfillment in Mental, Emotional,Social and Spiritual Level.

Value Based Education was given utmost importance in Ancient Education System of Gurukuls. According to Swami Vivekananda “Education means that process by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, and intellect is sharpened, as a result of which one can stand on one’s own feet.If we Look at the status of our current education system it can be observed that the focus is more on earning degrees without much input in terms of development and refinement of ones personality in all levels. In earlier Times Interested seeekers from different parts of globe used to travel miles for months to reach great universities like Nalanda & Takshashila to learn the priceless treasures of Ancient Knowledge & Wisdom.At that time Universities were specialized in imparting “Total Education” which means Education to achieve overall development in all levels ie Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social and Spiritual levels.

We are living in Amazing times of technological wonders.With the advent of technological wonder Internet, the entire world has become one Global Village.Anyone from any part of the world can learn, gain insights and disseminate the priceless treasures sitting right in front of the computer.Unlike in the past there is no requirement to take any strenous travelling efforts.In this Era of technology Internet meets Ancient Wisdom. E-Gurukul is a very small and humble endeavour in creating a virtual Platform to share information by various teachers and experts who had dedicated their lives in teaching individuals to become better individuals by achieving development and fulfillment in all level of personality.This online campus was created for free exchange of treasures of knowledge and Ideas. The Purpose of Human Life is to lead a fulfilling life by understand our role and place in our society.With right kind of value based education we can create better individuals leading to better societies, better countries and eventually better World.

Join the hands to be part of New Age Education System.

In Ancient System of Gurukul , teacher doesnt not receive any fees upfront from students.At the end of Studies, student offers donation which is known as Guru Daskhina.The Gurudakshina is a traditional gesture of Acknowledgement, respect and gratitude expressed by students after completing their studies. E-Gurukul is attempting to follow Ancient Tradition in current age.In alignment to our mission to bring same kind of education system on Internet we have kept this Virtual Platform free of any upfront charges and fees,till date we were instrumental in organizing free Live web Audio Visual Sessions , Multi Speaker Events in Various topics related to Ancient Practical Knowledge & Wisdom and we would like to take this opportunity to convey our heartfelt thanks to all speakers for disseminating their knowledge with participants across the globe. Anyone is welcome to support this project by sharing their resources. E-gurukul is endeavouring to bring the following …

  • Online courses in various categories – Art, science, Holistic Living, Courses for children and much more
  • Live Web sessions by various experts.
  • Live Virtual web events and much more

E-gurukul would like to offer our utmost gratitude and reverence to all ancient spiritual scientists, all masters from past and present for gifting all of us with great insights into  priceless treasures of ancient practical knowledge and wisdom.


One Response to “About us”
  1. Greetings. I am a Motiv. Speaker, Life Coach,Corp. Trainer,Poet,Chem.Engr.,Yoga Coach and ex-Mktg Dir., with 40 years of total experience, living in Noida.

    I offer to be a partner in unique training / coaching programs, both at site and online, integrating science/management thinking with spiritual values/yoga-meditation. It can help people personally as well as professionally through holistic self-management, for wellness, motivation, stress control, conflict resolution, personal leadership, learning yoga-meditation etc.

    My website is http://www.hansyoga.com and feedback from some of the tens of thousands of people who have attended my training in India/abroad, from freshers to MD’s/CXO’s, can be seen at http://www.hansyoga.com/what.htm
    I hope to hear back.

    Best rgds,


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