; Alliance : E-Gurukul

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


E-Gurukul.net International Alliance – Date of Inception – November 2009

Coming together, Sharing together, Working together, Succeeding together.


A Mastermind Alliance consists of two or more minds working actively together in perfect harmony toward a common definite objective. – Napolean Hill

E-Gurukul.net is blessed and honoured to have the following experts as part of E-Gurukul.net Alliance.We thank all Honourable members of e-gurukul.net for mutual support and cooperation to further our collective goals.

United Kingdom

Kenneth Williams

Researcher, author and teacher of Vedic Mathematics for the past 40 years. During this time he has helped to promote the Vedic system through his website and newsletter, and has been invited to various countries to pass on his profound knowledge and understanding of this ancient and powerful system of mathematics.

Website: http://www.vedicmaths.org

Kenneth’s Message to E-Gurukul:-

The initiative from E-Gurukul to spread the knowledge of Vedic Mathematics around the world and train teachers is very timely, and worthy of success. There is a great need for good teachers of Vedic Mathematics, and a more coherent approach to mathematics worldwide. In the mathematics education of children, where something new is deeply needed, the Vedic system offers an approach that is more child-friendly, more effective, more practical, and more fun to learn and teach.

New Zealand

Dev NadKarni

Dev has been in the media industry for over 25 years and has worked as writer, journalist, editor, cartoonist, academic and communications consultant in the IT and development sectors.Dev is also a Pacific and South Asian affairs commentator for publications in Australia, the European Union as well as Television New Zealand (TVNZ) and other international TV channels.He consults with the United Nations’ and European Union’s development initiatives on projects around the Pacific region as well as development organisations in New Zealand on a range of training and communication projects. Earlier he headed the Journalism Programme at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji.Dev is a director with Knowledge Basket South Pacific Limited a leading New Zealand and South Pacific news and information archival service.

Dr K.Parvathi Kumar

International Speaker, Writer & Chairman of World Teachers Trust.He is involved in teaching   various  concepts of Wisdom and yoga of Synthesis.He has dedicated his life to socio-spiritual activities and works actively in the economic, social and cultural fields, with spirituality as the basis.Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar is a source of inspiration for self-transformation and for social service to more than 100 groups in 24 countries including India.

Website :http://worldteachertrust.org/

Dr Purshottam Rajimwale

International Speaker, Writer, Ayurveda Doctor, Director for Institute for Studies for Vedic Sciences – Akkalkot, Shivpuri, India. Propagating the Art and Science of Agnihotra and Five Fold Path, Agnihotra Farming methods etc

Dr Purshottam’s Message to E-gurukul

E-Gurukul is a very noble movement started by two people who are highly motivated and dedicated. I think the effort being put into E_gurukul shows what a common man can and should do to make the world a better place. It is a fantastic platform for not only sharing ideas and thoughts, but also a great way to learn. I have attended two sessions on this platform and I am amazed at how simple it is. Technology today has really changed the way we talk and interact. Also a lot of praise to e-gurukul.net team for organising thought provoking and intellectual workshops. It is remarkable what thye have been able to achieve living so far from India. Many who are in India can take a cue from this and do something towards spreading of Pure knowledge worldwide”

Website :www.agnihotraindia.com www.thevishwashow.com

Shree Radhakrishnan Pillai

International Speaker, Trainer, Writer, Consultant on Arthasastra and Chanakya’s Teachings and is the Director of SPM Foundation , Mumbai, India.He Travels extensively to share the Ancient Management systems Based on Chanakya’s Teachings.He has been conferred Sardar Vallabhai Patel Award for his contribution in education.

Website : http://www.spmfoundation.in

Mr Radhakrishnan Pillai’s Message to E-Gurukul

Your work to integrate modern technology and ancient education is extremly good. Infact this is what our Rishis have suggested.. “carry the knowledge forward in a method each generation understands…” Technology is a part of our daily lives. We cannot escape it. The best is to use it for spreading our ancient wisdom. I am happy to be a part of such a wonderful work. My best wishes”

Mr B.Sai Kiran

Mr B.Sai Kiran is a Teacher, Author, Trainer & Speaker and is a Pioneer in teaching Speed Maths techniques. He is the Winner of Best Mathematics and Memory Trainer Award by the Governor His Excellency Mr. Sushil Kumar. He had been conducting camps on Speed Maths since 2001,started training the students in his home town in India, and now reached a level of training students globally. He had dedicated his life in spreading and Sharing the concepts of Vedic Mathematics and Vedic Memory Techniques.He travels extensively and conducts lectures, workshops & training sessions , till date he had conducted hundreds of workshops and had trained approx 200,000 students in India and overseas.

Website : http://www.thespeedmaths.com/

Mr Sai Kiran’s Message to E-Gurukul:- In these days where even adams ale doesn’t come free, an era where every thing is measured in terms of money or other kind of gratification, where there is no ray of hope without monetary transactions.There is some one who is spreading the hope by the way of knowledge from the acient vedas to lead a perefect life. I heartily congratulate E-Gurukul.net for taking the initiative to bring the great masters together and educating the world to lead a blissful life. Indeed, a great endeavour and perhaps a great service to the mankind. I am very Happy to be a part of E-gurukul in spreading the light of knowledge to the world. All the very best to
E-Gurukul in their noble mission of spreading this divine knowledge.

Dr T.V Sairam

Dr T V Sairam is a former administrator, economist, ethno-botanist and musicologist, who has authored several books and hundreds of articles on all these subjects. His Home Remedies : A Handbook of herbal Cures for Common Ailments in four volumes, published by Penguin Books  was the best-seller and consulted by many households in India and abroad. He had also compiled The Penguin Dictionary of Alternative Medicine, besides  A Dictionary of Music and Music Therapy.His pioneering research on the therapeutic aspects of the traditional Indian music system and nada yoga have attracted the attention of the world community of music therapists in recent years and is being referred to as a guide for selecting ‘appropriate music’ to address various ailments that affect the health and well-being of the people.

Dr Shiv Talwar

International Speaker, Trainer and Director of Spiritual Heritage Education Network – Organization based in Canada Propagating Spiritual Education.The mission of the Spiritual Heritage Education Network Inc. is to provide easy access to the thinking and findings of people (prophets, sages and seers) who have spent their lives studying the nature of humankind and its relationships in the universe.

Website : www.spiritualeducation.org

Dr.Shiv Talwar’s Message to E-gurukul

“E-Gurukul is an imaginative concept of technologically facilitating the learning and teaching of time honoured truths that define our worldviews and relationships. I am honoured to be considered worthy of association with it. E-Gurukul has benefited my work and I am sure will continue to benefit it. I wish E-Gurukul the best for the success of its mission.”

Shree Subhash Khardekar

Writer, Speaker and Trainer on Art and Science of Surya Namaskar for Total Well being, based in Nasik, Maharastra, India.He had dedicated his life in sharing priceless knowledge of Surya Namaskar and had motivated thousands and thousands of people to practise Sun Salutations.

Website :www.suryanamaskar.info

Shree Subhash Khardekarji Message to E-Gurukul

“GURUKUL is the premises where SadGuru resides. The term also indicates all the descendants in the family of the First Guru. SadGuru is depicted as BrahmaNanda, ParamSukhada, Kewal DnyanMurti. Let the efforts of E-Gurukul, to promote and propagate ancient Indian Vidya & Kala, turn this Earth into Heaven where Health- Happiness -Wisdom prevails over one & all and everything.  I consider it my privilege to be a part of this global platform. Wish the team of e-gurukul.net all the best for every undertaking”

||Jai Jai Raghuveer Samarth||

Shree Vijay Bansal

International Speaker, Writer, Trainer and Practitioner of Mudra Healing, Herbal healing, Propagating the Art and Science of Mudras for total wellness. He Travels Extensively to different parts of globe to share the knowledge of Mudras and Herbal Healing.

Website www.mudravigyan.com

Mr Vijay Bansal’s Message to E-Gurukul

The e-gurukul.net team deserves to be complimented for their excellent and untiring efforts in using the latest technology to help the spread of the ancient wisdom efficiently and conveniently. This has helped many understand and appreciate the deep rooted culture of their motherland, even though they have spent a life time out of their country. A most worthy and noble cause. More strength to your elbow. God bless you”

Shree Venkatesan Ramaswamy

Speaker, Writer, Management Consultant, Propagating Sience and Art of Agnihotra on behalf of ISVS, Akkalkot.

Mr Venkatesan Ramaswamy’s Message to E-Gurukul

“My Hearty Congrats for the wonderful mission with vision you are carrying out. My prayers to Lord Almighty to Bless you all for propagating our ancient wisdom thro’ e-Gurukul. Your sessions are very interesting and informative. I am forwarding the details to number of my friends”


One Response to “Alliance”
  1. Mahendra says:

    I”m a Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America volunteer leading Support-A-Child effort in Maryland, US. At present we support about 900 kids across India. For past sometime, as part of Support-A-Child program, I have been also thinking of teaching Vedic mathematics to kids in US as well.

    Would E-Gurukul be interested in collaborating and prepare key individual teachers / students in Vedic Mathematics?

    Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

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