; Global Mudra Science Day – December 10 -2011 : E-Gurukul

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Global Mudra Science Day – December 10 -2011

September 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Art of Well Being, Featured, Live Web Events

 Global Mudra Science Day was launched on

 27 Feb -2011 Sunday 6 am IST.

Video on Science of Mudra Yoga – Hand Postures Launched in Youtube.Please watch the video using below link, Please leave your comments.Thank you

Global Educational Programmes in Ancient Sciences, an endeavour of E-gurukul.net – An Online Free Education Portal  & Virtual University has been promoting art and science of Mudra Practise for quite some time utilizing state of art internet technology.We are pleased to announce the launch of new initiative – Global Mudra Science day, an Annual Global Event exclusively  to promote Art & Science of Mudra practise for Complete Wellness among youth and children.
This Event will be part of Mudra Vigyan Kranti ( Mudra Science Revolution)

 Come, Let us all Join hands to Spread the amazing science of Mudra Science among youth and children.

This year it will be celebrated on December -10, 2011 .

 Come, Let us all Join hands to Spread the amazing science of Mudra Science among youth and children.

A Scientific look : Any living body is made of 5 distinct elements :


These are not as per science’s definition of elements but refer to the five building blocks that go into the formation of any living body. Several ancient health systems are based on the concept of the balance of the five elements. Indian Medical science according to Ayurved and metaphysics affirm that distortion or impairment of the 5 elements create outer disturbance and inner sickness in the body. The 5 fingers of the hands represent these 5 elements :

The Thumb symbolises the Fire
The Forefinger symbolises the Wind
The Middle finger symbolises the Ether
The Ring finger symbolises the Earth
The Little or small finger symbolises the Water

The finger tips of every living being have many concentrated nerve root endings which are free energy discharge points. Science also confirms that around every tip there is a concentration of free electrons. By touching together of the tips of the fingers or the finger tips to other parts of the palms this free energy (Prana) is redirected back into the body along specified channels, back up to the brain. The redirected energy traveling through the nerves stimulates the various chakras. Keeping the hands on the knees stimulates the Gupta Nari and makes the energy start from the Mooladhara Chakra. Thus, the tension applied to the nerve/s and/or the neural or psycho-neural circuits formed by the mudras help in balancing the five basic elements (or building blocks). This balancing of the tension, and redirection of the internal energy effects the changes in veins, tendons, glands and sensory organs, to bring the body back to a healthy state. Keeping specified nerves stretched for specified periods tones up of the nervous system. The fingers of each hand are held folded in certain specific postures and this provides the required tension on the nerves. The fingers of each and every individual in the world are different in their shapes and sizes. These are determined and provided by nature as a tool to bring the nerves into prime condition when affected adversely. Thus, they provide a different ‘end tension’ on the nerves when different individuals fold their fingers or the same individual folds the fingers by different methods in different Mudras. This is exactly the tension required by that individual for that particular application. Nature has already bestowed us with the tools to be used to keep us healthy. Compare this with Acupressure where the nerves are influenced by the application of pressure on certain points or Acupuncture, where slight electrical impulses are conveyed through needles inserted in the body. The advantage in Mudras is that the pressure to be applied on the nerves is automatic and controlled by the shape and size of the fingers and not by external agencies. Because the Mudras work on the nerves, they are a NEURAL SCIENCE Mudra Vigyan is also a science based on the principles of the Indian Medical Science (Ayurveda) which lays down three factors primarily responsible for the body’s ills, Vata (wind), Pitta (bile) and Kapha (Phlegm). 10 types of Vayus (Winds) circulate through the nerves of the human body and can be controlled with MUDRAS.

  • Tatva Yog Mudra vigyan is an independent yoga, built upon the knowledge of the five fingers of the human hand.
  • Detailed descriptions are available in Mantra Shastra (Books of incantation), Upasana Shastra (Books on meditation), Nritya Shastra (Books on the art of Dances) and the books on the art of sculpture.
  • Mudra is a very exact and scientific yogic function by which one can develop or even change, one’s internal and external dispositions viz. mental (anger, emotional disturbance, intelligence etc.), spiritual (concentration, meditation) or physical (in various diseases, illnesses).
  • Mudras can bring miraculous mental, spiritual and physical changes and improvements in our body. They help in quickly balancing the elements of the body.
  • Mudras effect changes in veins, tendons, glands and sense organs.
  • Mudras need no prior preparation. They can be done (mostly but with exceptions) at any time, anywhere and under virtually any circumstances.
  • They are like literal remote control switches bringing quick and effective changes.
  • They help bring about permanent changes.
  • A constant practice of Mudras can stop or slow down the destructive changes in the human body. It can help develop a virtuous, socially amiable, non-violent, pious and courteous disposition.
  • Some of the Mudras can balance the elements of the body within 45 minutes; some react within a few seconds on the human body.
  • The ancients believed there were 24 diagnostic elements, the Gayatri mantra has 24 words, the Jains have 24 Tirthankaras, and Sanatan Dharma has 24 avatars. The 24 words of the Gayatri Mantra have a special relationship with 24 mudras known as GAYATRI MUDRAS. They have different names and formations.

The importance of Mudras is also clear from the grim qualifier to these:

Source : http://mudravigyan.com/Mudra.html

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